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Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

ATTEN AT-1645 – 3 ( 3MHz) DDS Function Generator

Harga :  Rp. 2.635.200 

This series uses the latest Direct Digital synthesis ( DDS) technology to generate stable, high resolution output frequency. The DDS technology solves several problems encountered in traditional function generators like the Temperature change inside the generator greatly affects the components characteristics which lead to output frequency change. The results are poor accuracy and stability etc.AT1645 is the ideal equipment of electronic engineers, laboratories, production lines and the teaching and research labs.

• Performance
• High resolution using DDS technology
• High frequency accuracy : ± 20ppm
• Low distortion:
• High resolution: 100 MHz

• Digital user interface with 6-digit LED display
• Various output waveforms: Sine, Square and Triangle
• TTL/ CMOS output
• Amplitude control
• -40dB attenuation
• Duty control
• Variable DC level control
• Output On/ Off control
• Voltage display
• Output Power
• Counter

• Frequency output
• TTL/ CMOS Output

• Sine wave : 0.1Hz ~ 3MHz
• Square wave : 0.1Hz ~ 2MHz ( Valid Range)
• Triangle wave : 0.1Hz ~ 1MHz ( Valid Range)
• Resolution : 100mHz
• Frequency stability : ± 1 x10-6
• Frequency error : ± 5x10-6

Square Wave : Distortion
Triangle Wave : Linearity : e98% , 100mHz~ 100kHz; 95% , 100kHz~ 1MHz
Square Wave : R ising & falling time

• Amplitude: e3 Vp-p
• Fan Out : 20TTL Load
• CMOS level : 3.5~ 13.5 Vp-p
1. Power Output
• Output Power 10W ( 4Load)
• Output Wave: sine wave
• Frequency range: 20Hz~ 40kHz
• Measure frequency range: 1Hz~ 40MHz
2. Counter
• Measure Voltage range 0.2V
• Error range: ± 1x10-4
• Supply voltage : AC220V± 10% , 50Hz± 5% ( Linevo ltage Setting is factory installed)
• Dimensions : 265( W) x110( H) x300( D)
• Weight : About 1.5kg

Complete set of instrument and auxiliary
1. DDS Function generator -1 set
2. Signal output cable - 1pcs
3. Power output cable - 1pcs ( Chose match)
4. Power cable - 1pc
5. User' s manual - 1book


Info dan harga terbaik hubungi : 

Raja Survey Grup
JL Pesantren no.64 Jurang Mangu Timur
Pondok Aren
Tangerang Selatan 15222

Tlp . 021 - 3649 5553
Fax . 021 - 7303447
Hp . 0812-1807 0051 / 0878-7841 4326

Pin BB : 2632A37D

Contact : Ahmad wahyudi

YM : rajasurvey27
Email : yudi@rajasurvey.net
Website : http://www.raja-survey.com
Other Website : http://alatukurmurah.indonetwork.co.id


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