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Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

ATTEN AT7340 Analog Oscilloscope

Harga :  Rp. 6.900.000

Features :
Dual channel - channel bandwidth: 40 MHz
High Sensitivity 1Mv/ DIV
5mV/ div Sensitivity on Both Channels
CH1 & CH2 Independent Channels
CH1 Signal Output
Two waveforms in different frequency can be observed via alternative trigger function
High-speed sweep
Algebraic Addition and Subtraction
X-Y Operation
0.2¼ s/ div to 0.5s/ div Time Base( Uncal upto 20ns)
Z Modulation TTL Level
8 x 10 cm Display Internal Graticule
TV signal synchronous function, TV Triggering Frame ( V) & Line ( H)
Line Trigger ALT Triggering

Sensitivity: 5mV~ 5V/ DIV, 10 steps in 1-2-5 sequence ( X5 MAG: 1mV/ DIV)
Sensitivity accuracy: d3% ( × 5MAG: d5% )
Vernier vertical sensitivity: continuously variable to 1/ 2.5 or less of panel-indicated value
Frequency bandwidth: DC-20MHz ( × 5MAG: DC-7MHz) ; DC-40MHz ( × 5MAG: DC-15MHz)
AC coupling: Low limit frequency 10Hz. ( With reference to 100KHz, 8DIV.Frequency response with-3dB)
Rise time: Approx.17.5Ns ( × 5MAG: Approx.50Ns) / 9.5nS ( X5MAG: Approx.25nS)
Input impedance: Approx. 1M ohm/ / Approx. 25pF
Square wave characteristics
Overshoot: d5% ( At 10Mv/ DIV range) other distortions and other ranges: 5% added to the above value
DC balance shift: 5mV~ 5V/ DIV; ± 0.5 DIV, 1mV~ 2mV/ DIV± 2.0DIV
Linearity: ? ± 0.1DIV of amplitude change when waveform of 2 DIV at graticule center is moved vertically.
Vertical modes: CH1 single channel.; CH2 single channel
DUAL: CH1 and CH2 are displayed ALT or CHOP selectable at any sweep rate.
ADD: CH1+ CH2 algebraic addition
Chopping repetition frequency: Approx.250KHz
Input coupling: AC, GND , DC
Maximum input voltage:
300V peak ( AC: frequency 1KHz or lower) When set probe switch at 1: 1, the maximum effective readout is 40Vp p( 14Vrms at sine wave) ; or set probe switch at 10: 1, the maximum effective readout is 400Vpp( 140Vrms at sine wave)
Common mode rejection ratio:
50: 1 or better at 50KHz sinusoidal wave.( when sensitivities of CH1 and CH2 are set equally)
Isolation between channels ( at 5Mv/ DIV range) : > 1000: 1 at 50 MHz; > 30: 1 at 20MHz; > 30: 1 at 40MHz
CH1 signal output: At least 20Mv/ DIV into a 50 ohm termination, Bandwidth is 50Hz to at least 5MHz.
CH2 INV BAL: Balanced point variation: d1DIV( Reference at center graticule)
Sweep time: 0.2¼ Sec-0.5Sec/ DIV, 20Steps in 1-2-5sequence
Sweep time accuracy: ± 3%
Vernier sweep time control: d1/ 2.5 of panel-indicated value
Sweep magnification: 10 times
× 10MAG sweep time accuracy: ± 5% ( 20nsec-50nsec are uncalibrated)
Linearity: ± 3% , × 10MAG: ± 5% ( 20ns and 50ns are uncalibrated)
Position shift caused by× 10MAG: Within 2 DIV, at CRT screen center
Triggering source: CH1, CH2, LINE, EXT
Coupling: AC: 20Hz to full bandwidth
Slope: + / -
Sensitivity: 20Hz-2MHz: 1.0 DIV, TRIG-ALT: 2DIV, EXT: 200Mv; 2MHz-20MHz: 1.5DIV; 20MHz or higher: 2.0DIV
TRIG-ALT: 3DIV, EXT: 800mv
TV: Sync pulse more than 1 DIV ( EXT: 1V)
Triggering modes:
( Both TV-V and TV-H synchronize only when the synchronizing signal is negative)
Input impedance: Approx: 1M ohm/ / approx.25pF


Info dan harga terbaik hubungi : 

Raja Survey Grup
JL Pesantren no.64 Jurang Mangu Timur
Pondok Aren
Tangerang Selatan 15222

Tlp . 021 - 3649 5553
Fax . 021 - 7303447
Hp . 0812-1807 0051 / 0878-7841 4326

Pin BB : 2632A37D

Contact : Ahmad wahyudi

YM : rajasurvey27
Email : yudi@rajasurvey.net
Website : http://www.raja-survey.com
Other Website : http://alatukurmurah.indonetwork.co.id

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