Kami Menjual Alat Survey,alat geologi,alat laboratorium,GPS,alat uji dan pengukuran,alat komunikasi,teropong/binocular,kompas,Perahu Karet,Oscilloscope,Toolkit,dll

Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Protek DSO-2150 PC based Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Harga :  Rp. 5.390.000 

a) High Performance with USB interface
b) Suitable and convenient for most usages

What' s Included:
a) 1 Instruction Manual
b) 2 Probes

1. Maximum sampling rate : 150MS/ s
2. Realtime sampling : 150MS/ s
3. Bandwidth : 60MHz( -3dB)
4. Single shot bandwidth : 60MHz
5. Buffer size : 32K samples
6. Channels : 2 Channels
7. Voltage Range
a) 10mV ~ 5V/ div @ 1 probe
b) 100mV ~ 50V/ div @ 10 probe
c) 1V ~ 500V/ div @ 100 probe
d) 10V ~ 5000V/ div @ 1000 probe
8. Accuracy : ± 3%
9. Timebase Range : 4ns/ div ~ 1h/ div ( 1-2-4 sequence)
10. Offset Level : + / -4 Divisions
11. Coupling : AC, DC, GND
12. Impedance : 1M ohm
13. Input protection : 35Vpk( DC + peak AC; Without external attenuation)
14. Roll Mode : 1s/ div ~ 1h/ div
15. Range : 10 Divisions
16. Pre/ Post Production : 0% ~ 100%
17. Trigger TYPE : Edge trigger: Rising edge, Falling edge
18. Trigger mode : Auto, normal, and single
19. Autoset : Yes
20. Settability : 0.03 div increments
21. Trigger Level : + / -4 division
22. Measurements : Vp-p, Vmax, Vmin, Vmeans, Vrms, Vamp, Vhigh, Vlow, positive overshoot, negative overshoot, cycle mean, cycle rms, period, frequency, positive pulse width, negative pulse width, rise time ( 10% ~ 90% ) fall time ( 10% ~ 90% ) , positive duty cycle, negative duty cycle
23. Cursor : Time/ frequency difference, voltage difference
24. Math : Addition, Subtraction, multiplication, Division
25. FFT : Rectangular, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman Window
26. Interface : Universal Serial Bus ( USB)
27. Power
a) No external source required
b) Bus-powered from USB1.7W)
28. Calibration Signal Output : 2V, 1kHz, Square Wave
29. Trace Display : Point/ Line
30. Vertical Position Variable : Yes
31. Grid : On/ Off
32. File Management
a) Image save: .BMP, .JPG
b) Data Save: .dso
c) OLE ( Object Linking and Embedding) automation: Data generation for Microsoft excel
d) Setting save/ load
33. Print : Print in color/ mono


Info dan harga terbaik hubungi : 

Raja Survey Grup
JL Pesantren no.64 Jurang Mangu Timur
Pondok Aren
Tangerang Selatan 15222

Tlp . 021 - 3649 5553
Fax . 021 - 7303447
Hp . 0812-1807 0051 / 0878-7841 4326

Pin BB : 2632A37D

Contact : Ahmad wahyudi

YM : rajasurvey27
Email : yudi@rajasurvey.net
Website : http://www.raja-survey.com
Other Website : http://alatukurmurah.indonetwork.co.id



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