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Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Aditeg AFG-8215 ( 2MHz) Function Generator

Aditeg AFG-8215 ( 2MHz) Function Generator
• The instrument is an accurate testing instrument.
• It can output the function wave: sine wave, square wave, rectangle wave, sawtooth
wave and triangle wave.
• The frequency, amplitude and duty cycle can be adjusted continuously.
• Frequency range: 0.2-0MHz
• 5-digit LED frequency display, 3-digit LED amplitude display synchronously.
• Attenuation: 20dB/ 40dB

Basic function
Frequency range 0.2Hz/ 2Hz/ 20Hz/ 200Hz/ 2kHz/ 20kHz/ 200kHz / 2MHz
Amplitude ( 2Vp-p~ 20Vp-p) ± 20%
Output signal impedance 50©
Attenuation 20dB/ 40dB
Duty cycle 20% ~ 80% ( ± 10% )
Displaying 5 digits LED frequency display and 3 digits LED amplitude display synchronously
Sine wave Distortion99%
Square wave Rise edge tines / fall edge times< 100nS
Time base Symmetry frequency: 12MHz, frequency stability: ± 5× 10-5
Signal frequency stability 0.1% / Minute
Measurement error d0.5%
Dimension 270 mm× 215 mm× 100mm
Weight Approx: 1.6kg
Power 220V/ 110V± 10% , 50Hz/ 60Hz± 5%


Info dan harga terbaik hubungi : 

Raja Survey Grup
JL Pesantren no.64 Jurang Mangu Timur
Pondok Aren
Tangerang Selatan 15222

Tlp . 021 - 3649 5553
Fax . 021 - 7303447
Hp . 0812-1807 0051 / 0878-7841 4326

Pin BB : 2632A37D

Contact : Ahmad wahyudi

YM : rajasurvey27
Email : yudi@rajasurvey.net
Website : http://www.raja-survey.com
Other Website : http://alatukurmurah.indonetwork.co.id



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