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Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Protek 3120 200mhz, 1gas/ s Sampling Rate Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Harga :  Rp. 17.000.000

1. 200MHz Bandwidth with 2 Channels
2. 1GSa Real-time Sampling Rate
3. 25GSa/ s Equivalent-Time Sampling Rate
4. Large 7-inch Color Display
5. Record Length up to FFT
6. Multi-Languages Support
7. USB Host and Device Connections

Vertical Specifications
Channels : 2
Bandwidth : 200MHz
Rise Time : 1.7ns ( Approx.)
Input Impedance : Resistance: 1 M + / - 2%
Capacitance: ( 20+ / -5) pF
Polarity : Normal & Invert
Maximum Input : 400V ( DC + AC Peak)
Waveform Signal Process : CH1 + / - CH2, CH1 x CH2, CH1/ CH2, FFT
Bandwidth Limit : 20MHz + / -% Typical
Horizontal Specifications
Sampling Rate : 1GSa/ s; Equivalent Max. Sampling Rate is 25GSa/ S for all Times
Range ( 1 - 2 - 5 Increments) : 50s/ div ~ 1ns/ div
Mode : Main Sweep, Main Sweep + Delay Expansion Sweep, X-Y
Trigger Specifications
Source : CH1, CH2, EXT., EXT/ 5, AC Line
Mode : Auto, Normal, Single
Trigger Sensitivity
a) DC: CH1/ 2 ( typical) 1 Div from DC to 10MHz; 1.5div from 10MHz to full
b) EXT ( Typical) : 200mV from DC to 40MHz
c) EXT/ 5 ( Typical) : 1V from FC to 40MHz
d) AC: Attenuates signal below 10Hz
e) HF Reject: Attenuates signals below 15kHz
f) LF Reject: Attenuates signals below 150 kHz
g) Noise Reject: Reduces trigger sensitivity
Trigger Level Range
a) CH1, CH2: + / - Division from center of screen
b) EXT: + / - 1.2V
c) EXT/ 5: + / - 6V
Trigger Level Accuracy ( Accuracy is for signals having rise and fall time at max 20ns)
a) CH1, CH2: + / -( 0.3div x V/ div) ( within + / -4 Division from center of screen)
b) EXT: + / - ( 6% of Setting + 40mV)
c) EXT/ 5: + / - ( 6% of setting + 200mV)
Edge Trigger : Rising, Falling, Rising & Falling
Pulse Width Trigger : Trigger ( when > , , 2; Delay 1- > 2
Cursor Measurement
a) Voltage Difference between cursors V
b) Time Difference between Cursors T
c) Frequency difference between Cursors 1 T
a) TFT LCD Type : 7.0 Inch Diagonal Crystal Display
b) Display Resolution : 800 x 480 Dots
General Specifications
a) USB : USB Host / USB Device
b) Power Source : AC 100V ~ 240V + / - 10% , 45Hz ~ 440Hz, Auto Selection
c) Physical Dimensions : 12.3 x 4.25 x 5.6 " inches ( 313 x 108 x 142mm)
d) Weight : 4.6lbs ( 2.08Kg)

Info dan harga terbaik hubungi : 

Raja Survey Grup
JL Pesantren no.64 Jurang Mangu Timur
Pondok Aren
Tangerang Selatan 15222

Tlp . 021 - 3649 5553
Fax . 021 - 7303447
Hp . 0812-1807 0051 / 0878-7841 4326

Pin BB : 2632A37D

Contact : Ahmad wahyudi

YM : rajasurvey27
Email : yudi@rajasurvey.net
Website : http://www.raja-survey.com
Other Website : http://alatukurmurah.indonetwork.co.id


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