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Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Protek G632 Tracking Generator

Harga :  Rp. 6.090.000

Protek G632 Tracking Generator
Tracking Generator for 7830 Analyzers
This Tracking Generator G632 which is an option to the Protek 7830 Handheld Spectrum analyzer allows even more flexibility in its application and performance.
Product Information
The G632 is basically a sweep generator in which the sweep rate is matched to that of the spectrum analyzer. The output circuitry of the tracking generator contains a network that ensures a constant output amplitude over the entire range being swept.
Typical Applications
a) Field Wireless Equipment Installation and Maintenance
b) General field use for Communications Installation and Maintenance
c) Cable installation and Maintenance
d) RFID Tag RF Strength Measurement
e) Jammer ( for hospital, theater and military) Performance Test
f) Satellite Antenna installation and Maintenance
g) Tapping, Hidden Camera Detection
a) Range : 30MHz to 2.9GHz
b) Measurement range : -55dBm to -65dBm ( 5 dBm steps)
c) Amplitude units : dBm
d) RF input connector : N type connector

What’ s Included
a) G632


Info dan harga terbaik hubungi : 

Raja Survey Grup
JL Pesantren no.64 Jurang Mangu Timur
Pondok Aren
Tangerang Selatan 15222

Tlp . 021 - 3649 5553
Fax . 021 - 7303447
Hp . 0812-1807 0051 / 0878-7841 4326

Pin BB : 2632A37D

Contact : Ahmad wahyudi

YM : rajasurvey27
Email : yudi@rajasurvey.net
Website : http://www.raja-survey.com
Other Website : http://alatukurmurah.indonetwork.co.id



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