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Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

ICOM IC-R20 Receiver / Scanner

Harga :  Rp. 5.500.000

ICOM IC-R20 Receiver / Scanner
Scan, Monitor, RecordThe Pro’ s Scanner!
2 for 1, Dualwatch receive
Until the IC-R20, the capability of monitoringtwo frequencies required two radios. Whetheryou need to monitor local public safety, air trafficcontrol, or listeningto two drivers atthe track, even listento play by playfrom both TV andradio!
Shortwave to microwave, Wideband coverage
The IC-R20 covers 150kHz to 3304.999MHz* in SSB, CW, AM, FM and WFM modes. Whenreceiving in dualwatch, the combination of channelsis limited to 150kHz to 469.999MHz ( VFO A) and 118MHz to 174.999MHz or 330MHz to1304.999MHz in AM, FM, WFM modes ( VFO B) .
* Depending on version, U.S.A. version is cellular blocked.
4-hour digital recorder
TheIC-R20 has an internal 32MB digital recorder capable of storing received communications. This feature is useful in a variety of ways, like recording wireless microphone audio at a meeting. There is also a USB port to download to a computer for storage or to forward to a friend. ( PC playback not possible)
Alphanumeric memory channels
With 1, 000 regular memory channels, 200 automatic memory scan channels and 25 pairs of frequency scan edges, theIC-R20 makes it easy to identify received signals with the capability of assigning a name to each channel.
CTCSS, DTCS tone signaling
When multiple users share the same channel, these users use specialized signaling to reduce interference from other users. The two popular signaling formats, CTCSS and DTCS, are standard in the IC-R20.
11 hours of continuous receive*
Icom’ s energy efficient design allows the ICR20 11* 2 hours of continuous reception from the internal Li-Ion battery pack. Also, the ICR20 can operate with 3 AA Alkaline cells for longer operation. Charging of the internal battery pack is possible fromeither an optional cigarette lighter cable or the supplied AC adapter.
* Single receive in FM mode at Max. AF audio.
See your signals
Sometimeshearing a signal is not enough, so the IC-R20 includes a band scope. The bandscope enables you to see signals around a monitored frequency. An additional function of the bandscope is the ability to hear the signal while sweeping a range, so you can see if the signal is modulated.
Scan features
The IC-R20 is Icom’ s fastest receiver with 100* channels per second scanning speed. You can tag memory channels into dynamic banks, ranging from a maximum of 100 channels per bank ( Max. 26 banks) as well as link multiple banks for customized memory bank scanning. Additionally, the IC-R20 offers multiple scanning controls such as scan delay and scan resume for received signal notification.
* In VFO mode.
Other features
• VSC ( Voice Squelch Control) opens the squelch only when a modulated signal is detected.
• Offset monitor capability
• Auto squelch and squelch monitor capability
• Built-in attenuator and RF gain control
• Noise blanker, ANL ( Auto Noise Limiter) , AF filter
• AFC ( Auto Frequency Control) function
• PC remote control capability with optional CT-17
• Built-in ferrite bar antenna for AM broadcast
• FM earphone cord antenna capability
• Dial speed-up function
• Auto power off and power save functions
• Reversible rotary selector and up/ down buttons
• Weather channel* ( * U.S.A. version only)
• Preprogrammed TV and shortwave channels


Info dan harga terbaik hubungi : 

Raja Survey Grup
JL Pesantren no.64 Jurang Mangu Timur
Pondok Aren
Tangerang Selatan 15222

Tlp . 021 - 3649 5553
Fax . 021 - 7303447
Hp . 0812-1807 0051 / 0878-7841 4326

Pin BB : 2632A37D

Contact : Ahmad wahyudi

YM : rajasurvey27
Email : yudi@rajasurvey.net
Website : http://www.raja-survey.com
Other Website : http://alatukurmurah.indonetwork.co.id


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