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Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

ICOM IC-R2500 Receiver / Scanner

Dualwatch capability
The IC-R2500 has a dualwatch receive capability* 1, allowing you to receive two bands simultaneously. It covers 0.01– 3299.999 MHz in AM, FM, WFM, SSB, CW, DV* 2 and P25* 3 on the main band, while the sub-band covers 50– 1300MHz in M, FM and WFM modes.
• Two antennas are required for dualwatch receive.
• Optional UT-118 required.
• Optional UT-122 required. Already installed with some versions.
• Frequency range differs depending on version.
Diversity receive capability
The diversity receive* mode is useful for mobile operation where the receive condition changes continuously. It compares the signal strength and dynamically chooses the antenna with better signal strength to maintain good sound quality.
* Two antennas are required. Available in FM/ DV/ P25 mode between 50-1300MHz only. Cannot use the diversity receive function while using the dualwatch function.
Wide LCD display for independent band control
The wide LCD display shows both main/ sub band settings in an easy to read, symmetric side by side layout. The controller provides separate tuning, volume, squelch knobs and function buttons for the left ( Main) and right ( Sub) bands. Also, The LCD backlit color is selectable from amber and green. Chose the suitable color for lighting conditions or preference.
1000 alphanumeric memory channels
1000 on-board memory channels at the touch of a button! With Icom’ s Dynamic Memory Scan, DMS, you have a versatile memory channel management system at your command. The 1000 memory channels can be arranged by service or personal preference in the 21 memory banks. Selectively link the channels together to scan depending on your needs. Programming the memory channels and 6 character memory names is simple with your PC.
60 channels per second scan
Quickly scan through a band with the IC-R2500’ s 60 Ch/ second scan rate* . Program, priority scan and various scanning modes are available.
* When tuning step is less than 100kHz in program scan mode.
Other features
• Optional DSP capability with UT-106
• CTCSS/ DTCS tones and duplex mode operation for monitoring a repeater
• VSC ( Voice squelch control) opens the squelch only when a modulated signal is detected
• IF filter selection for changing IF filter width
• IF shift function ( SSB, CW mode only)
• Noise blanker eliminates pulse type noise such as engine ignition noise ( SSB, CW, AM mode only)
• Weather alert function ( USA and Canada versions only)
• AFC function follows signal frequency drift in FM mode ( BW: 6kHz or 15kHz)
• 20dB ( approx.) RF attenuator ( below 1300MHz)
• 30 min – 2 hour auto power off timer Dualwatch, wideband receiver
• Fast/ slow AGC setting
• Short/ long squelch delay
• All IC-PCR2500 functions are available when connected to a PC ( See the IC-PCR2500 page for required PC capability)
• Cloning function allows you to read/ write memory contents from your PC. Sharing the data with an IC-PCR2500 is also possible.
Supplied accessories
• AD-113A/ E*
• Controller cable, 3.5m; 11.5ft
• Antenna
• USB cable
• Software CD
• Controller head
* This receiver consumes vehicle battery power in stand-by mode. We advise you to turn off the main unit power switch after use.


Info dan harga terbaik hubungi : 

Raja Survey Grup
JL Pesantren no.64 Jurang Mangu Timur
Pondok Aren
Tangerang Selatan 15222

Tlp . 021 - 3649 5553
Fax . 021 - 7303447
Hp . 0812-1807 0051 / 0878-7841 4326

Pin BB : 2632A37D

Contact : Ahmad wahyudi

YM : rajasurvey27
Email : yudi@rajasurvey.net
Website : http://www.raja-survey.com
Other Website : http://alatukurmurah.indonetwork.co.id


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